At our initial meeting early in 2010, the Concerned Coastal Voters developed the following major goals for our organization to pursue:

1. To publicly present conservative views in a professional, factual manner and to counter misinformation where appropriate.

2. To research topics of interest at the national and state levels, and share the information among members of our group.
3. To identify and pursue the most effective venues for disseminating factual information related to our priority issues.

4. To expand membership of our group to like-minded persons regardless of their political affiliation.

Some of the Issues We Care Most About:

1. Free Enterprise Economy (e.g., fiscal responsibility, tax policies that promote growth of businesses, jobs, and general prosperity, elimination of unnecessary bureaucracy and regulation)

2. Limited, responsible, and responsive government.

3. Strong national defense, including border security.

4. Adherence by politicians and the courts to the Constitution and the rights of the individual. (e.g., civil rights, freedom of expression, right to bear arms)

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Friday, July 20, 2012


Many Conservatives in our community have to hide their viewpoints on politics and social issues for their own safety. I've had Conservatives tell me they are afraid to reveal their viewpoints due to fear of vandalism, name calling and character assassination from Liberals in the area. Nasty notes have been put on my car windshield and others have had their cars scratched because of their bumper stickers. Liberals say they believe in diversity and tolerance, but only if they agree with what is said.
"Free Speech" is everyone’s right and using such tactics is unconscionable. "Free Speech" is not just voicing your beliefs, but LISTENING respectfully to those who oppose your viewpoints and defending their right to speak. Each of us has the responsibility to ensure that no one is intimidated from participating in civil discourse in our community, county, state and country.
There’s an organized effort to silence those who don't agree with Liberals. Liberals are using tactics used by tyrants (Intimidation, Character Assassination, Threats, and even Assaults). We have Liberal ICO writers verbally assaulting writers and intimidating them not to write, because they don't agree with them.  At Republican political rallies, Liberals bus in SEIU members and Teamsters to disrupt, shout down speakers, and intimidate attendees. That's not "Free Speech" either. 

If you don't agree with a speaker, listen quietly, leave or don't attend in the first place. On the web, Democrat groups are listing Republican candidate’s home addresses, thus putting their families in danger. When the Democrat leadership was informed about this, their comment was "Well they are public figures." Liberal groups are using Republican donor lists to repress and harass donors.

These tactics are unethical and "un-American."

Bud Spencer
Concerned Coastal Voters

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