At our initial meeting early in 2010, the Concerned Coastal Voters developed the following major goals for our organization to pursue:

1. To publicly present conservative views in a professional, factual manner and to counter misinformation where appropriate.

2. To research topics of interest at the national and state levels, and share the information among members of our group.
3. To identify and pursue the most effective venues for disseminating factual information related to our priority issues.

4. To expand membership of our group to like-minded persons regardless of their political affiliation.

Some of the Issues We Care Most About:

1. Free Enterprise Economy (e.g., fiscal responsibility, tax policies that promote growth of businesses, jobs, and general prosperity, elimination of unnecessary bureaucracy and regulation)

2. Limited, responsible, and responsive government.

3. Strong national defense, including border security.

4. Adherence by politicians and the courts to the Constitution and the rights of the individual. (e.g., civil rights, freedom of expression, right to bear arms)

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Double Dealing Democrats (Letter to Independent Coast Observer)

Democrats applying double standards is nothing new, but events of the past week have made them starkly clear. Republicans trying to make a tiny 0.017% cut in the federal budget are assailed for bringing the country to its knees on one hand by Democrats, and on the other hand Democrats call Republicans cowards for not cutting more. The tiny Republican minority in California is blamed for not leading California out of its dreadful budget mess, even though all they can do is stop tax increases. When California voters were last given the opportunity to raise taxes in May 2009:
“By a margin on nearly 2 to 1, Californians rejected a package of propositions that would have extended increases on the income, sales, and car taxes; shifted money from dedicated funds; and borrowed against lottery revenues. The taxes would have shaved $6 billion off a $21 billion budget shortfall stemming from a decade-long unwillingness to match desired spending and expected revenues.”
Minority Republicans, not the overwhelming majority Democrats, truly reflect the will of Californians.
Republicans can’t cut spending – only Democrats can.
With Republicans are in the majority in Wisconsin, their courageous attempts to cut spending were met by Democrat desertion of the democratic process, aided and abetted by unethical  doctors and teachers. According to the AP, Wisconsin doctors have passed out hundreds of notes to excuse public employee work absences without examination; “they seem to be suffering from stress.” Madison family physician Lou Sanner said his notes are “as valid as any other work note I’ve written for the last 30 years.”
The very well-paid teachers protest while fraudulently taking pay from taxpayers, most of whom must work and can’t take time off to support their democratically elected governor and legislature. Union worker is an oxymoron.

Michael B. Combs