At our initial meeting early in 2010, the Concerned Coastal Voters developed the following major goals for our organization to pursue:

1. To publicly present conservative views in a professional, factual manner and to counter misinformation where appropriate.

2. To research topics of interest at the national and state levels, and share the information among members of our group.
3. To identify and pursue the most effective venues for disseminating factual information related to our priority issues.

4. To expand membership of our group to like-minded persons regardless of their political affiliation.

Some of the Issues We Care Most About:

1. Free Enterprise Economy (e.g., fiscal responsibility, tax policies that promote growth of businesses, jobs, and general prosperity, elimination of unnecessary bureaucracy and regulation)

2. Limited, responsible, and responsive government.

3. Strong national defense, including border security.

4. Adherence by politicians and the courts to the Constitution and the rights of the individual. (e.g., civil rights, freedom of expression, right to bear arms)

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Friday, September 2, 2011


Many of us were taught in school that FDR’s New Deal brought the country out of the Great Depression by using massive government spending to create jobs. This “truism” has been a mainstay of the media for generations, but the “truism” isn’t true. Roosevelt’s economic programs failed so miserably that by May 1939 unemployment stood at 20.7%! Secretary of Treasury, Henry Morgenthau, lamented, “after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started . . . .”  (Sound familiar?)
The seamier (fascistic) side of the New Deal was epitomized by such actions as federal National Recovery Act hooligans kicking down doors and arresting tailors whose only crimes were to work overtime and charge a few cents less to sew pants than the government allowed. Businesses drowned in wave after wave of stultifying red tape, and reams of regulations strangled incentives to hire and expand. (Sound familiar again?) New Dealer bureaucrats implemented dozens of hare-brained schemes, such as paying farmers not to plant crops, or destroying crops and livestock to raise prices. Many believe such nefarious actions prolonged and worsened the Depression.
Seventy years later, New Deal advocates once again control our government. In 2009 President Obama pushed a trillion dollar stimulus bill through a majority Democrat Congress. The bill was based on two premises: (1) it would ensure the unemployment rate would not exceed 8%, and (2) thousands of “shovel ready” jobs would immediately put Americans to work rebuilding our infrastructure. Neither happened. In early 2010 ObamaCare was rammed through a filibuster-proof Democrat Congress with promises of more jobs and lower health costs. How has that worked out?
“New Dealism,” now repackaged as “Hope and Change,” remains a failed economic policy. The American people rejected it in November 2010 and will resoundingly reject its advocates in 2012.

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