At our initial meeting early in 2010, the Concerned Coastal Voters developed the following major goals for our organization to pursue:

1. To publicly present conservative views in a professional, factual manner and to counter misinformation where appropriate.

2. To research topics of interest at the national and state levels, and share the information among members of our group.
3. To identify and pursue the most effective venues for disseminating factual information related to our priority issues.

4. To expand membership of our group to like-minded persons regardless of their political affiliation.

Some of the Issues We Care Most About:

1. Free Enterprise Economy (e.g., fiscal responsibility, tax policies that promote growth of businesses, jobs, and general prosperity, elimination of unnecessary bureaucracy and regulation)

2. Limited, responsible, and responsive government.

3. Strong national defense, including border security.

4. Adherence by politicians and the courts to the Constitution and the rights of the individual. (e.g., civil rights, freedom of expression, right to bear arms)

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Friday, July 20, 2012


I was bemused by a statement I read recently that depicts our President as a visionary, as the shepherd who will lead us to greener pastures. (No pun intended.) This paean to the President was written, I've been told, by an intelligent person. That puzzles me because the gist of this metaphor (a clever cloaking of Democrat talking points) was that we should all just follow along with the dictates of our "philosopher king" leader, re-elect him, and everything will be just hunky dory.

The problem is that conservatives don't buy that. We do love metaphors; e.g., "America is a shining city on a hill." However, if Obama is the shepherd, then it follows that we're all "the sheep." That may be okay with many Democrats and their sheep dog media, but it doesn't set will with conservatives, and many others.

America is not a nation of sheep, never has been, never will be.

Furthermore, large numbers of voters are beginning to look carefully at what conservatives have been saying all along - - that we elected a pretty good community organizer who knew enough about the law to be dangerous to our economy, our individual liberties, and our great country.

For three and one half years he has held the most powerful job we can bestow on a citizen. Has he improved our economy, brought us closer together, or enhanced our well being as a people? No.

Instead, this President has desperately stepped up his attacks on the very core of our greatness and deliberately divides our people along class lines.  This past week he commented, in effect, that "small business owners don't create their businesses, someone else does." That's "trash talk" and its patently not true.

In November, let's hope Americans vote to replace this "shepherd" with a President.

Jim Littlejohn

Concerned Coastal Voters
Gualala, CA


Many Conservatives in our community have to hide their viewpoints on politics and social issues for their own safety. I've had Conservatives tell me they are afraid to reveal their viewpoints due to fear of vandalism, name calling and character assassination from Liberals in the area. Nasty notes have been put on my car windshield and others have had their cars scratched because of their bumper stickers. Liberals say they believe in diversity and tolerance, but only if they agree with what is said.
"Free Speech" is everyone’s right and using such tactics is unconscionable. "Free Speech" is not just voicing your beliefs, but LISTENING respectfully to those who oppose your viewpoints and defending their right to speak. Each of us has the responsibility to ensure that no one is intimidated from participating in civil discourse in our community, county, state and country.
There’s an organized effort to silence those who don't agree with Liberals. Liberals are using tactics used by tyrants (Intimidation, Character Assassination, Threats, and even Assaults). We have Liberal ICO writers verbally assaulting writers and intimidating them not to write, because they don't agree with them.  At Republican political rallies, Liberals bus in SEIU members and Teamsters to disrupt, shout down speakers, and intimidate attendees. That's not "Free Speech" either. 

If you don't agree with a speaker, listen quietly, leave or don't attend in the first place. On the web, Democrat groups are listing Republican candidate’s home addresses, thus putting their families in danger. When the Democrat leadership was informed about this, their comment was "Well they are public figures." Liberal groups are using Republican donor lists to repress and harass donors.

These tactics are unethical and "un-American."

Bud Spencer
Concerned Coastal Voters

Sunday, July 15, 2012


I don’t doubt the conviction of liberals who advocate that government control of healthcare will benefit almost everyone. It’s an appealing argument: e.g., coverage of pre-existing medical conditions; “children” can remain on their parents’ insurance until age 26, if you don’t have the money to pay, you get it all free.  Where do I sign up? And, if the goodies you receive are not sufficient to persuade you, then there’s always the argument that, “Everybody else is doing nationalized healthcare.”
What’s wrong with this picture? For one thing, the government provides absolutely nothing for free. Someone has to pay - - big time; that is, you, I, our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren, and at least 50% of all Americans. (When all this settles out, it’s likely that the remaining 50% will pay zilch.) 
Not a problem, you say, just cut back on defense spending and all will be fine. That may work - - until the Chinese or some radical Middle East country, emboldened by our deteriorating defenses, decides to call our bluff and destroy a few of our cities. (Remember 9/11?)
The seminal question is:  What’s likely to happen when our heretofore relatively benign government takes over at least one-sixth of our economy? Do well-meaning liberals truly believe that healthcare will be managed more efficiently or fairly? 
Certainly Lenin and his proteges (a.k.a., dictators) sincerely believed that their “humane” collective systems would bring the greatest benefits to the most people. What the people got (their elite rulers excepted) was an almost sub-human existence, constant propaganda (lies), and extreme cruelty.
And as for those “enlightened” countries with national health plans, medical mediocrity and bureaucratic quagmires are now the norm, not the exception (e.g., shortage of doctors, lengthy waits for treatment, lack of innovation, severe rationing).
Let’s not go there.
Jim Littlejohn
Concerned Coastal Voters
Gualala, CA


The 4th being so close, I thought I’d write about “Freedom”. Do you have more freedom today than 3 ½ years ago when Obama became president?
Do you have the freedom of not having health insurance? Today you’re mandated to have health coverage or you’re taxed and that’s less freedom. Obama promised you could keep the health coverage you had prior to Obamacare, but surveys indicate most large companies are opting for the tax rather than pay the $10,000 to $20,000 per employee to offer health coverage. Welcome to government run health care.
You have less freedom to travel. Gas is now nearly double what it was 3 ½ years ago. Economically your freedom to travel has been restricted. Do you feel safer traveling to the border towns near Mexico with all the “Fast and Furious” guns our ATF provided the drug cartels? Do you feel safer traveling to anywhere in the world?  
Want that dream home?  Record low interest rates and housing costs are way down, but banks aren’t lending, because of new strict investment laws put into place by Obama. The result is less freedom to purchase a home.
How about jobs?  Unemployment is up and you have less freedom to support yourself and family, but you get 99 weeks of unemployment instead. That's 99 weeks of the government controlling and supporting you. There’s also the freedom to get “Food Stamps” since Obama has made that easier. Who wants to work if you can get “Free Stuff”? How about starting a business? Now you’re back to the restrictive health care law making it nearly impossible to start a new business.
Where’s the freedom? Do you feel that tightness around your throat? That’s the federal government and Obama strangling you and your future.  
Bud Spencer
Concerned Coastal Voter