Concerned Coastal Voters (CCV) is an organization formed in 2010 to provide alternative views to the prevailing progressive philosophy in this area. We live in or near the communities of Gualala and The Sea Ranch along the beautiful Northern California coast.
4. To expand membership of our group to like-minded persons regardless of their political affiliation.
Some of the Issues We Care Most About:
1. Free Enterprise Economy (e.g., fiscal responsibility, tax policies that promote growth of businesses, jobs, and general prosperity, elimination of unnecessary bureaucracy and regulation)
2. Limited, responsible, and responsive government.
3. Strong national defense, including border security.
4. Adherence by politicians and the courts to the Constitution and the rights of the individual. (e.g., civil rights, freedom of expression, right to bear arms)
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Friday, July 27, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
The problem is that conservatives don't buy that. We do love metaphors; e.g., "America is a shining city on a hill." However, if Obama is the shepherd, then it follows that we're all "the sheep." That may be okay with many Democrats and their sheep dog media, but it doesn't set will with conservatives, and many others.
America is not a nation of sheep, never has been, never will be.
Furthermore, large numbers of voters are beginning to look carefully at what conservatives have been saying all along - - that we elected a pretty good community organizer who knew enough about the law to be dangerous to our economy, our individual liberties, and our great country.
For three and one half years he has held the most powerful job we can bestow on a citizen. Has he improved our economy, brought us closer together, or enhanced our well being as a people? No.
Instead, this President has desperately stepped up his attacks on the very core of our greatness and deliberately divides our people along class lines. This past week he commented, in effect, that "small business owners don't create their businesses, someone else does." That's "trash talk" and its patently not true.
In November, let's hope Americans vote to replace this "shepherd" with a President.
Jim Littlejohn
Concerned Coastal Voters
Gualala, CA
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Friday, June 22, 2012
Is there anything this President or his supporters won’t say or do to gain traction in this election? Recently, an internet commentator named Rex Nutting conveniently cobbled together an article that he said proved spending growth under President Obama was actually less than that of his predecessors. This preposterous claim was soon throughly discredited by the facts. However, this did not stop the President or his supporters, and at least one local writer, from repeating the absurdity.
- President Obama’s spending binge begun in 2009 quickly rocketed federal spending to 25.2% of GDP and is projected to average 24.4% for the entire four years. That compares to an average of 19.6% during Bush’s two terms. The average during Clinton’s two terms was 19.8%.
- Obama’s 2013 budget (which has not passed) shows federal spending increasing from $2.983 trillion in 2008 to an all time record $3.796 trillion in 2012, an increase of 27.3%.
- Before Obama there had never been a deficit anywhere close to $1 trillion. The highest previously was $458 billion in 2008. The federal deficit for the last budget adopted by a Republican controlled Congress was $161 billion for fiscal year 2007. Obama’s 2013 budget reports his deficits as: $1.413 trillion for 2009, $1.293 trillion for 2010, $1.3 trillion for 2011, and $1.327 trillion for 2012.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
To some of us the Obama 2012 Campaign is one big circus. In Ring One, you have the President himself, the Great Distractor, who, unable to discuss his highly unpopular and meager accomplishments, focuses on things such as class warfare, more taxes on the rich, evil Republicans, and himself, himself, himself . . . .In Ring Two, a motley assortment of the President’s political, celebrity, and media surrogates dressed in clown suits, run about carrying his water in large containers with holes drilled in the bottom. Supporters drinking free beer laugh hysterically, whereas the “likely voters” quietly point to the water pouring out on to the sawdust floor of the Democrat’s “big tent.” The well-heeled clowns pretend they’re watering a garden of flowers (e.g., huge federal expansion, chronic unemployment, no national budget in three years, gargantuan deficit), but the savvy voters see only a sisyphean folly and the barren landscape of failed economic policies.In Ring Three of Cirque d’Obama, you have well-meaning local Obamacons channelling credentialed (but misguided) hucksters like Robert Reich and Paul Krugman. These “experts” eternally proclaim their reactionary creed that no government program can ever be abandoned or modified in any substantive way no matter how much it has failed, or how much it will cost to maintain. All the clowns throw fists full of money to the crowd and shout in shrill slogans, “Obama Cares, “Republicans are Evil,” and “Kill the Rich” (except for the Democratic rich, of course).The increasingly skeptical audience of voters are mildly entertained by these leftist clowns, but then they remember the economy is still in the tank and the President has steadfastly ignored the coming entitlement program meltdown. In the final analysis, clowns parading distractive baubles will not prevail. The majority of voters will demand results, not a circus.Jim LittlejohnConcerned Coastal VotersGualala, CA 95445
Thursday, May 3, 2012
(Article published in the Independent Coast Observer, May 17, 2012)
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
- Every fifth man in America is out of a job. Indeed, black male unemployment is now at the highest rate it has been since the U.S. government began collecting statistics on the subject in 1972. Just 59 percent of black men over the age of 20 are now working.
- Every seventh person you pass on the sidewalk now relies on food stamps.
- On the last day of President Bush's presidency, gas prices were $1.84 a gallon. Today under President Obama, the average price of a gallon of gas costs $3.94. (Much more in CA.)
- In 2006 and 2007, 90% of college graduates found a job. Under Obama, just 56% of college graduates are able to find a job.
- More than one in four U.S. homeowners are "under water" or owe more than their homes are worth, with many more foreclosures still to come.
- President Obama has increased the national debt more in three years than President Bush did in eight. Under Bush, the debt rose $4.899 trillion in eight years. In three years, Obama has exploded the debt by $4.939 trillion.
- A record number of Americans are no longer in the labor force. When the number of individuals who have stopped looking for a job and/or who are working part-time but desire full-time employment is included--a figure known as the "underemployment rate"--real unemployment stands at 19.1%.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Monday, March 19, 2012
Creationists and Warmists
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Apparently some local liberals are of the misguided opinion that the electorate has not been paying close attention to the ineffective leadership of President Obama and his minions over the past three years. Why else would they spend their time and effort trotting out laundry lists of false (or stolen) accomplishments for the President while ignoring the colossal failures of his administration?
The President, they say, has led us out of the recession. Really? Early on, his “stimulus” package, combined with the economic uncertainties of ObamaCare and the heavy-handed anti-business regulations of Dodd-Frank and the EPA, helped drive unemployment toward double digits. Today government unemployment statistics remain well north of 8% . The real numbers are probably closer to 17%! In just three years, the President and his Democrat accomplices have added a staggering 5 trillion dollars of debt to our economy without passing a budget!